Primary Bedwetting at adulthood
The common belief about bedwetting is that this is an issue which only affects young children. While it is true that most bedwetters are young children (20% at age 5 and 15% at age 6), many teenagers...
View ArticleBedwetting relapse in adulthood
It is very rare that a young person, who stopped bedwetting at childhood, will relapse during adulthood. In order to understand this condition we first have to distinguish between two types of...
View ArticleWhat can cause treatment with a bedwetting alarm to fail?
The first enuresis alarm was developed by Hobart and Willie Mowrer in 1938—76 years ago! It became one of the most common treatments for bedwetting. Today, hundreds of different types of enuresis...
View ArticleCan a small-capacity bladder cause bedwetting?
Many doctors believe that a small-capacity bladder causes bedwetting, but this isn’t entirely true. In fact, the answer is much more complex. The logic behind this assumption is that bedwetters have...
View ArticleDoes high fluid consumption before bedtime cause bedwetting?
Many parents restrict their bedwetting child from consuming liquid before bedtime. This restriction seems to make sense. If fluid consumption is limited, urine production will be slower, and the child...
View ArticleTreating bedwetting by a fluid-absorbing diet
Another way to treat bedwetting is with foods that absorb fluid. In fact, this “treatment” is based on the oldest known method for the treatment of bedwetting. It is not known when enuresis became a...
View ArticleFood allergies as a cause for bedwetting
Many theories have been proposed to explain the causes for bedwetting. One theory, which I must say is quite marginal, is that food allergies and sensitivity cause bedwetting. The assumption is that...
View ArticleIs there a relationship between bedwetting and sleepwalking?
Sleepwalking (somnambulism) is a sleep disorder. The sleepwalker awakes from the stage of slow wave sleep; he is in a state of low consciousness and does things that are usually performed during a...
View ArticleRegression to bedwetting as a result of sexual abuse
One of the most common regression symptoms of children that have been sexually abused is diurnal and nocturnal enuresis (mainly nocturnal). Such children have difficulty sleeping and experience...
View ArticleThe myth behind the drug DDAVP for bedwetting treatment
One medical theory regarding bedwetting claims that it is caused by a deficiency of ADH (antidiuretic hormone). This hormone is particularly important for regulating the body’s retention of water; the...
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